Tuesday 9 May 2017

Obligation and Advice in the song “Should I Stay or Should I go?: Have (got) to / Should

With this activity you can learn the use of the modal verbs HAVE (GOT) TO and SHOULD:
  • We use SHOULD to express ADVICE.
  • We use HAVE TO to express OBLIGATION in written and oral communication. But we usually use HAVE GOT TO in oral communication, for example in song.
    So it's very common to find HAVE GOT TO in many different versions, as they appear above:
    • have got to = 've got to = got to = gotta
Can you find more examples of SHOULD and HAVE (GOT) TO in the song's lyrics?
Remember that have got to can appear in different versions.

Here is the official video by band who sings it: The Clash.

These are the answers for the activity.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Writing about the Parts of the House and Furniture

Vamos a revisar vocabulario de las Parts of the House. Para ello utilizaremos un video y los conectores:
  • and / but
  • First, / Then, / After that, / Next, / Finally
También aprenderemos el uso de There's / There are
1. First, let's have a look at the video:
2. Then, let's answer the question: Usa los conectores para First, / Then, / After that, / Next, / Finally, para indicar el orden en que salen las habitaciones.
Where's the bee?
  1. First, the bee is in the living room but it's not in the bedroom.
  2. Next, The bee is in the bedroom but it's not in the kitchen
  3. Then, ...
  4. After, ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. Finally, ...
Repite con cada escena cambiando el nombre de las habitaciones y practica la pronunciación.

3. Finally, practise There's / There are with pieces of furniture, for example
  1. What is there in the living room? / There's a sofa, a table, a picture and a picture.
  2. What is there in the kitchen? / There's an oven, a sink, and a cupboard.
Puedes repetir todas las veces que necesites hasta adquirir el vocabulario que estás trabajando

Good luck! and May Force be with you!

Thursday 9 February 2017

Present Continuous Use and Form. 1 ESO

This post is about the present continuous. Watch the videos and do the tasks.
PROCESS. / Actions in progress
  • Imagina una acción en proceso y dibújala como se muestra en el vídeo. Luego pasa al siguiente vídeo.
FORM. / How to make the present continous.

  • Translate the sentences into English.
    • Estoy jugando al Minecraft ahora mismo.
    • Estamos leyendo "La Historia Interminable" este mes en clase.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Verb + Object + to infinitive

Hi, guys!
In this video you'll learn about a construction in English which is a bit complex for us, native Spanish speakers: VERB + OBJECT + TO INFINITIVE.
Watch this video for examples and explaination, it'll only take 2 minutes:
Now, you'll realise that this structure could substitued by a that-clause where the subject is what we call here the "object":
I want you to study harder.
I want that you study harder.

Then, the closest structure in Spanish is  a Proposición subordinada sustantiva.
Quiero que estudies más.
This is a list of common verbs followed by OBJECT + TO INFINITIVE:
Verbs followed by an object and the to-infinitive

would like

And here are some exercises for you to practise:

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Word Order in questions - Present Simple (1 ESO)

Hi, everybody.
There are two type of questions:
  • Yes / No questions (Y/N) > your answer is yes or no.
  • Wh- questions (WH-q) > your answer is an affirmative or negative sentence.
In the first video you can learn how to make questions in the present simple affirmative:

  1. Ve el vídeo y haz un esquema parecido al que sale en él. Utiliza estas frases para poner sus partes en el esquema, tal y como te enseño en el vídeo.
  • Do you play tennis in summer?
  • Do you do your homework everyday?
  • Where does she meet her friends on Sundays?
  • When do they go cycling?
  • Does your teacher play videos on youtube?
Cuando termines escribe un comentario al final de esta página sin olvidar poner tu nombre

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Adjectives and adverbs.

Hi, there.
Today you're going to learn about adjectives and adverbs.
From nouns to adjectives 
You can make adjectives by adding endings to some nouns.
Watch the video and answer the questions above.

  1. Can you make adjectives from nouns only? Are there other type of words you can make adjectives from?
  2. Make a list with examples of different adjective endings.
From nouns to adjectives:

From adjectives to adverbs:
You can also make adverbs by adding endings to some adjectives. Watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. What is the difference between adjectives and adverbs?
  2. How can you make adverbs from adjectives?
  3. Copy examples and make a diagram of the different spellings for -ly ending.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Present simple negative and questions (Word order)

Hi, class.

Let's prepare our lesson at home.
Watch this presentation:

  1. Draw the structure of the negative form and questions.
Watch the next video (it's in American Spanish version):

  1. Copy the examples of questions.
  2. Make a list of question words and write them in Spanish 
  3. Cuando el profesor dice que éstas son "preguntas informativas", ¿qué crees que significa eso?

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Past continuous vs past simple

Hi, there!
Study the past continuous form in this short video. It's in Spanish version.
  1. Watch the video. You can "pause", and play the video again in difficult parts.
  2. Use the examples in the video to make a diagram with the elements of English past continuous.

Then, watch and study this new video. It's very short and gives examples of the differences between past simple and past continuous.

Please, follow these steps to study this video:
  1. Watch the video. Remember that you can "pause", and play the video again.
  2. Take notes on the examples, and write your examples.
  3. Write questions difficult aspects on the video. We'll discuss them in class.

Monday 9 January 2017

Present perfect simple vs Past simple.

Hi, class!
In this video-lesson you'll learn the differences in use (usage) between the present perfect simple tense and the past simple tense.
If you're already familiar with the form of them you can skip until minute 2,05.
To review the lesson, you can follow these steps:
  1. Watch the full video (or skip to the usage part)
  2. When you feel you don't understand a concept. Rewind the video and play it again up to the point you didn't understood.
  3. Take notes and make a diagram in a time-line with examples of present perfect and past simple.
  4. Write questions about difficult aspects. We'll discuss on them in class.